About Us

Silk Road Electronics Co., Ltd. is a modern manufacturing enterprise specializing in the production and sale of high-quality household appliances. Located in the heart of Kazakhstan, we are dedicated to providing innovative, energy-efficient, and user-friendly appliances for the global market. Our m...


    • Mission

      Offer our customers high-quality household appliances and improve their daily lives.Study customer requirements and strive to meet their needs by enhancing employee qualifications.Earn customer trust and become a market leader.

    • values

      We strive for excellence in everything we do and offer our customers only high-quality home appliances that will serve them for many years.

    • social responsibility

      Take responsibility bravely, adhere to business and professional ethics, and fulfill social responsibilities.

  • Производство электроприборов

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  • Производство электроприборов

    Превосходная производительностьНаша бытовая техника ориентирована на высокую производительность и надежно···


  • Производство электроприборов

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